Relationally Focused Psychodynamic Therapy Post-Graduate Certificate

Designed to deepen a psychotherapists capacity to work directly within the therapeutic dyad as the primary instrument towards change and to develop theoretical and praxis skills in the delivery of a relationally-focused treatment. This program is offered through The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology.

No two therapists work in the same fashion and given the uniqueness of each relationship and the working through of what happens in that relationship, it must be so. However, how we position ourselves (therapeutic intent and therapeutic stance); how we reflect (deep listening; attending to the there and then/here and now and patterning/linking) and how we engage (repetition/working through and courageous speech/disciplined spontaneity) appear to be universal practices that can serve as a helpful “map” for conducting our practices while acknowledging and appreciating the intuitive, organic nature of our work.  Given this theoretical stance participants are trained in how this model is adaptable to other populations and diverse psychological services and are offered an ethical model that values the integrity and dignity of the other in the delivery of their services. 


I’m grateful for the ways [this certificate program] is awakening me to my clients in new ways. In my dreams, in my random thoughts, in the moments where I had previously felt embarrassed by being exhausted in a session, I now feel curious. It’s been a welcome breath of fresh air.

Jeremy Dew

I really like this style of consultation and am finding it very profitable… I am enjoying my work more, I am working smarter not harder, paying more attention to myself and the space in between me and the clients, feeling more energized and less drained by my work and liking my clients better. I am taking more risks with what I say, confident that the client knows more about themselves than I ever will.

Mandy Casurella

This whole process has enlivened the work for me and brought a new level of interest and intrigue. In a way, my practice is the lifeblood for providing for my family and it now has a surge of life given to it these past few months.

Matt Inman

This program is BY FAR the best supervision practice I’ve ever been a part of. I feel engaged the full 2-hour session each time.  My brain is going 100 miles an hour, I have to keep working to stay connected to my body and what I am feeling, and I leave most sessions really chewing on something. This work really is hard. Like, it feels different than how I’ve been doing work for the past 10 years, but in a good way.

Chris Roberts


Core Competencies in Relational Psychoanalysis

An online 10-unit CEU online program is currently under construction and will be available January 2021. 

Contact Dr. Barsness

Phone: 206-329-3370

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